A Simple Guide to Listing Your Rental Gear and Earning Extra Income

Your step-by-step guide to listing your rental gear!

Our goal is to make lending easy, so you can list whatever items you’d like, and then wait to be contacted to fulfill a rental! All you have to do is list the items on the platform, and our system will automatically contact you when we have someone in your area who is looking to rent your gear. No need to advertise your items, and you don’t even need to upload too many details right away, all you have to do is list the type of item and indicate the style or size, and we’ll find the renters for you! For a full breakdown of how to list your gear on the platform, follow the steps below: 

  1. Log into GeerGarage using your phone number or email address. 

  2. Once on the homepage, click “Your Garage” on the top navigation menu. From the drop down, click “Your Listed Gear” 

    Lending-Screenshot Step 2

  3. On this page is where you can view all the gear you’ve listed previously. To add new items, click “Add More Gear” 

    Lending- Screenshot Step 3

  4. From this page, find the type of item you want to upload. Once you’ve located it on the menu, click the +1 and then click “List Mine”. You can do this with as many items as you want, allowing you to upload multiple items at once. 

    1. You can easily find the item you are looking for by using the filter feature at the top of the page. Type in a keyword, or filter based on activity category. 

      Lending- Screenshot step 4

  5. After you’ve selected all the types of items you wish to list, you can scroll to the bottom and click “Review” 

  6. Review your gear selection, ensuring that you have selected all the items you wish to lend. If you want to select more, you can go back by clicking the “Add more items” button on the top right of the page. If these are all the items you wish to add at the moment, check the box that confirms that the gear you are choosing to list is clean, in good working condition, meets the minimum gear requirements outlined in the Terms of Service , and is gear that I would not hesitate to use myself. After checking that box, click “List now” 

    Lending- Screenshot Step 6

  7. That’s it! (For now) Listing gear in this manner should only take 5 minutes, making it ridiculously easy to list your gear and be ready to earn some extra cash! 

    1. We still need some more details on these items, so if that’s all you have time for, then you are all set for now! When a renter is looking for items that match yours, we’ll reach out and ask for the remaining details before confirming the match. We encourage you to keep an eye out for these messages so that you can add those details and jump on a rental when they come in, as it’s a first-come first-served basis. 

    2. If you wish to avoid having to do this later on, we encourage you to add those details now, which will make it that much easier to score a rental when it comes in. To add those extra details, follow these steps: 

  8. To add in the details for your items, such as size, style, gender, etc, first follow step 2 to navigate back to “Your Listed Gear” 

  9. Once there, you’ll note the bar at the top that says “We need more information for the gear identified below. You must provide this information before you can rent out the item.” For the items that need more information, you’ll see a yellow button on the bottom of that item’s card that says “Info Needed”. Click on that button.  

    1. Items that don’t need more information will have a blue button that just says “Customize”. You can always go back and add or change details as you wish. 

      Lending- Screenshot Step 9

  10. Once on that page, enter a description of the item, upload a photo and fill out the necessary details using the drop down menus on the right hand side. When you are satisfied with that, click “Update Item” and you are all set and ready to earn some cash! Complete these steps for all your items and our system will automatically contact you when someone is looking to rent your gear. 

    Lending- Screenshot Step 10

For more information, visit our support page or reach out to our team- info@geergarage.com

Ready to start earning?

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